Thursday 14 July 2016


Agenda for Up-Coming Events for the Odd semester of Academic Session 2016-17

Faculty Coordinators:  Mr. Jinendra Vyas & Mr. R. P. Shrimali

Event 1:
Workshop on Layout Design Concepts – (Layout Study of Library)
This workshop is divided into Four Phases.
In first phase students would be made well versed with the concept of Layout Design and Facility Planning.
In second phase students will visit university library; so that they will be able to grasp the concepts of Layout Design by comparing it with the layout of university library. 
In third phase, all the participating students will sketch the layout of the library based on their observation and will be judged by the faculties.
The fourth phase will comprise of Q&A session.
One Day

Event 2:
Workshop on ‘World Class Manufacturing’
This workshop aims towards very basic understanding of the concept of ‘World Class Manufacturing’ practices and techniques involved which are frequently followed in modern manufacturing industries. Special emphasis will be laid on Indian industrial context with brief description on the ‘culture’ of Indian industries. Selected cases will be discussed with participants followed by a quiz on World Class Manufacturing.
One Day

 Event 3:
Formation of Quality Circle
The theme of this activity is to understand:
What are Quality Circles?;What are the benefits of Quality Circles?;How Quality Circles are formed? &
What are the key issues related with Quality Circles?
One Day

Event 4:
Workshop on ‘Quality, Reliability & Six Sigma’
This workshop aims at developing basic understanding among students about the concept of ‘Quality’, ‘Reliability’ and ‘Six Sigma’ methodology and its vital application in Quality Control laying special emphasis on manufacturing industries.
Two days

Event 5:
Assessment of Supply Chain Model of one Small Scale Industry in Udaipur Region
A field visit to one of the prominent Small Scale Industry in Udaipur region followed by Case preparation from participants about its supply chain activities and its elaborated power point presentation.
2 Days

Event 6:
 E-Procurement Practices
With the emergence of e-commerce in modern business era most of the businesses have already adopted e-procurement practices or are in the process of converging to e-procurement practices. This event aims at discussing all the current e-procurement practices with students & latest trends in e-procurement.
Duration: One Day

Event 7:
Principles of Warehousing Management
Lecture Session on Warehousing Management followed by case analysis & group discussion among participants.
One Day

Event 8:
Brain Storming Session on Contemporary Issue in Production & Operations Management
One Day

Event 9:
Case Study Presentation on Toyota Production System
It aims towards familiarizing students with core Japanese philosophy of production and highlighting secret of Japanese success in manufacturing technology & processes.
One Day

Event 10:
Industrial Visit

One Day

Monday 11 July 2016

Past Events

Operations Management Forum(s) Activities
Faculty coordinator: Mr. Jinendra Vyas & Mr. R.P.Shrimali 

Date: 23 Jan 2016
Activity 1: Role of SCM in Indian E- Commerce
Description:  Students presented various frontiers about role of SCM in Indian e-commerce industries.
No. of Student Participated: 10

Date: 4 Feb 2016
Activity 2: Automation in Operations Management
Description: A brief review of automation in manufacturing industry is presented to students.
No. of Student Participated: 5

Date: 11 Feb 2016
Activity 3: Total Quality Management Quiz
Description: Student who participated in the Quiz were asked questions on basic principles & fundamentals of TQM. Four rounds of questions were held followed with brief discussion.
Winner: Indubala Sharma (First Position) & Mahendra Singh Loda (Second Position)
No. of Student Participated: 6

Date: 10 March 2016
Activity 4: Business Story Presentation
Description: Students gave presentation on various upcoming business trends and latest upbeats in the area of operations management.
No. of students Participated: 5
Date: 29 March 2016
Activity 5: Entrepreneurship Development
Description: Students presented their Business Plans and discussed every aspect of starting a business venture with faculty mentors. Different aspects starting from procurement of funds to placing of product into markets were discussed with reference to past cases.
No of Students Participated: 5

Welcome To Pacific MBA Operations Management Forum

Operations management is the area concerned with the efficiency and effectiveness of the operation in support and development of the firm's strategic goals. Other areas of concern to operations management include the design and operations of systems to provide goods and services. To put it succinctly, operations management is the planning, scheduling, and control of the activities that transform inputs (raw materials and labor) into outputs (finished goods and services).
A set of recognized and well-developed concepts, tools, and techniques belong within the framework considered operations management. While the term operations management conjures up views of manufacturing environments, many of these concepts have been applied in service settings, with some of them actually developed specifically for service organizations.

Operations management is also an academic field of study that focuses on the effective planning, scheduling, use, and control of a manufacturing or service firm and their operations. The field is a synthesis of concepts derived from design engineering, industrial engineering, management information systems, quality management, production management, inventory management, accounting, and other functions.
History of Operations Management
Until the end of the 18th century, agriculture was the predominant industry in every country. The advent of the steam engine and Eli Whitney's concept of standardized parts paved the way for the Industrial Revolution with its large manufacturing facilities powered by steam or water. 
A number of countries evolved from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy. But for a time, manufacturing was more of an art than a science. This changed with the introduction of Frederick W. Taylor's systematic approach to scientific management at the beginning of the twentieth century. 
The introduction of Taylor's method of scientific management and Henry Ford's moving assembly line brought the world into an age where management was predominantly centered on the production of goods.

In the late 1950s and early 1960s scholars moved from writing about industrial engineering and operations research into writing about production management. Production management had itself become a professional field as well as an academic discipline. 
.As the U.S. economy evolved into a service economy and operations techniques began to be incorporated into services the term production/operations management came into use. Today, services are such a pervasive part of our life that the term operations management is used almost exclusively.

What do Operations Managers do?
At the strategic level (long term), operations managers are responsible for making decisions about:
  v Product development (what shall we make?),
v Process and layout decisions (how shall we make it?),
v Site location (where will we make it?), &
v Capacity (how much do we need?).
At the tactical level (intermediate term), operations management addresses the issues relevant to efficiently scheduling material and labor within the constraints of the firm's strategy and making aggregate planning decisions like:

v Employee levels (how many workers do we need and when do we need them?),
v Inventory levels (when should we have materials delivered and should we use a chase strategy or a level strategy?), &
v Capacity (how many shifts do we need? Do we need to work overtime or subcontract some work?).
At the operational level, Operations managers and their subordinates must make decisions regarding:
v Scheduling (what should we process and when should we process it?), 
v Sequencing (in what order should we process the orders?),
v Loading (what order to we put on what machine?), &
v Work assignments (to whom do we assign individual machines or processes?).

Major Issues of Operations Management :
v reducing the development and manufacturing time for new goods and services
v achieving and sustaining high quality while controlling cost
v integrating new technologies and control systems into existing processes
v obtaining, training, and keeping qualified workers and managers
v working effectively with other functions of the business to accomplish the goals of the firm
v integrating production and service activities at multiple sites in decentralized organizations
v working effectively with suppliers at being user-friendly for customers
v working effectively with new partners formed by strategic alliances